100% España

+352 621 260 828

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Welcome to our 100% Spanish gourmet store!

We are a company with a passion for haute cuisine and Spanish gastronomic culture.

In our store, you will find a wide variety of high quality Spanish products, such as olive oils, cheeses, sausages, seafood and much more. All our products are carefully selected to offer the best of Spain to your table.

Meet us at

Gourmet Alhacena

Our story began several years ago, when a group of Spanish friends met in Luxembourg to share a meal together. During dinner, they realized they missed the flavors of home and decided they wanted to share Spanish cuisine with their German friends. This is how our Spanish gourmet store was born.

In our Spanish gourmet store, we believe that tasting, comparing and keeping the best is the best philosophy. Our project was born from the traditional Spanish cuisine, with the aim of bringing the best of Spanish gastronomy to all those who enjoy good food.


- CEO @ Alhacena
We are passionate about sharing the wealth of Spanish food with our customers, offering high quality products at affordable prices.

Specialized in offering products
high quality handcrafted products.

It is a passionate initiative to showcase the best of Spanish gastronomy,

with top brand products and a philosophy focused on offering the best to our customers.

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A small river named Duden flows by their place and supplies it with the necessary regelialia. It is a paradise

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We work with the best Spanish producers to guarantee the quality of our products, and we carefully select each one to ensure that we offer the best of Spain to our customers.

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